Early signs of Alzheimer’s?

Please let me know if this is the wrong forum. I don’t follow many of them and this one seems the most appropriate.

Does my mother in law sound like she’s experiencing early signs of Alzheimer’s or is she just a shitty crazy woman?

We visit her once/twice a week, in the span of one/two days of us visiting her she accuses me and only me of stealing her things, going inside her room ransacking her closet, and purposely ruining her plants. She went as far as to say once that I stole a roll of toilet paper. Really? 😑 I always brush it off but this time she verbally abused me through texts after only being at her house for one day and told me she’d physically put her hands on me if she sees me again. It’s caused many fights with my significant other and my sister in law always tells me to ignore her because of how often it happens. She’ll get over it and act like she never said anything days later. My boyfriend is wondering whether she could possibly have Alzheimer’s, she’s in her late 50’s and her mother suffered from the disease. I think she’s just looking for attention because she’s bitter and lonely. Too much of a stretch? Another piece of info, she repeats herself often and I’ve noticed the left side of her face twitches every 5 seconds or so. And yes, I have blocked her and plan to never return back to her home but I’m curious to know if it’s all stemming from hatred for me or she’s truly sick.