A ring is just a piece of jewelry

From a religious view it is frowned upon to live with your partner before marriage. I have not been perfect following what I did believe and have a child on the way. God blessed me with a child and provided a job so I can take care of my baby.

I don’t want to be a live in girlfriend if there’s no plans for marriage in the future. That has always been in my plans. I need someone that is going to be an adult not a child.

We have a kid on the way. I refuse to yell or nag for him to help around the house. I’m not his mother. An adult knows the house needs to be clean, bills paid, child taken care of, games later.

My mom keeps asking when are we going to get married or what the plans are for us. I’m like well ask him.

He can buy over a hundred dollars worth of consoles and games but not save for a ring. I’m not obsessed with the ring. I don’t like the bullshit excuses of why he can’t get one. A ring is a piece of jewelry. Ok I get it’s jewelry but I’ve been dreaming about getting married since I was a little girl. I thought about just going to the courthouse but I was like that’s not the type of thing I’ve wanted. I’d do it though if it saves money. I wouldn’t have to find bridesmaids for it lol I don’t really have many female friends anyway.

It doesn’t help my mom gets in my head about it. She’s like you’re going to be a single mom this or that and it scared the shit out of me. She told me how her sister put her foot down with my uncle. It was either he stopped drinking as heavily as he did, six months to decide if he was going to marry her or not(they were together for five years and raising my older cousin) if he didn’t do that then she was kicking him out her apartment. My aunt put up with his crap for all the years they were together so that’s why she did what she did. My mom also is a very religious person so she doesn’t believe in the whole partners living together thing or sex before marriage. She’s trying to pressure us getting married before our kid is born.

She’s allowed to have opinions. I just don’t like when she’s overbearing or negative about stuff like my relationship