Hella symptoms, too early

bree • Engaged 💕 23, 1 girl 🥰 one on thr way w

So I've been starving lately. I mean I wake up from deep sleep to eat starving. Usually I eat once, maybe twice, a day but for the last week or so I've been so hungry all the time.

I've also been going to the restroom a lot. I'm not sure if this is because I'm drinking a lot of water or not but I'm running to the bathroom every hour or so. On top of that, I wake up 2 times a night as to where I used to never wake up.

I've been experiencing cramping in my right ovary for a minute and now I'm also bloated. My boobs are heavy, but not sore, and my nipples have changed color slightly. Also, I woke up to go to the restroom and couldnt fall back asleep. I've slept for 3 hours, I was so tired before that but now I'm watching Supernatural waiting to get tired again.

According to this app it is WAY TO EARLY for me to be expiring any of these symptoms- unless the app was wrong and I ovulated early.

So either my body just hates me and is playing some real fuck fuck games with me right now, or the app is.

Either way I'm confused girls.

I just want a baby