Anxiety 😵


Soooo yesterday, my husband and I had a breastfeeding class to attend. But at dinner we got into an argument -- it seemed ok, but my husband was just not willing to try to relate to me on a topic and it really got me heated...well, in walking to the hospital from dinner I ended up having a full blown hyperventilating panic attack on a bench outside. Had to stop and focus and breathe. I had NEVER experienced that in my life, and I've been battling anxiety (and occaisional depression) my whole life. It was really scary. Suffice to say, we did not go to our breastfeeding class. We instead went to L&D and I got myself checked out. I was so worried I had caused my son harm with getting so worked up!! -- luckily he is fine and so am I. And my husband and I had a little more time to talk.

I'm not sharing for any particular reason, other than to just say do not feel ashamed for feeling how you feel. It's probably more of a reminder for myself, and I'm hoping that writing this down will help it sink in for me... Because today, the day after my first ever panic attack, I'm feeling useless, sad, and unworthy. I have an appt to talk to my OB today about all of this.

I hope all of you mamas are doing well. And even if you're not, I hope you're getting help.

Sending love and well wishes to everyone ❤️