Membrane sweep? FTM!


I’ll be 38 weeks tomorrow and have an appointment that I wasn’t sure I was going to make it to.. but now unfortunately I feel I will. I think I’m going to ask for a membrane sweep, to help speed things up.. I Had an appointment Monday, 2 cm 75% and contractions every few minutes. I’ve been having the contractions ever since, which I believe are practice contractions? Early labor perhaps? Accompanied by back aches, that are killer. I’ve lost pieces of my mucus plug since last Friday, yesterday morning I had some blood. This morning I walked for 45 minutes. I’ve been resting a lot and on my birthing ball otherwise. I’ve already been told that I won’t carry to 40 weeks, they told me 38.5 tops, never explaining why. But I’m ready to meet my little one.

I have been so extremely swollen and uncomfortable all around. I don’t know how women can carry past 40 weeks, yikes!!

Looking for advice on membrane sweeps and seeing what others experienced with it. I plan to have a natural birth with no meds but would like a kick start to my labor.