8 months!


My boys turned 8 months old Monday and oh man. Things are so crazy! Things happen so fast! My baby b started crawling last Thursday. Like hes already crawling! They still nurse at least 4 times a day and eat at least 4 jars of baby food between them. They are eating puffs and when we go out it's a lot easier. My fussy twin never fusses when we go out lately. He loves being out. Things just randomly got a LOT easier about 2 weeks ago. It's still tough, trust me I never sit especially having 4 kids but they play so nice and i feel more blessed each day. Although I still have hard days and cry...its getting easier. The first 8 months are SO SO SO tough. I'm not sure how the next few months will go but I hope well. Got to go my twins are fighting over toys ;)