
I noticed a flea on my dog and used some Hartz Ultraguard flea and tick drops on her about two or three hours ago before realizing that it's caused serious problems and even death for other pets in the past. I freaked out and washed her with Dawn non-concentrated Simply Clean to try to get some of it off of her. I told my MIL that lives with us that it's caused problems and deaths in the past because she used it on her dog as well and she seems to think I'm being ridiculous and stupid for having washed it off. Will my dog be ok since I washed it off of her as much as I could? She's a year and a half and about 50lbs, MIL's dog is my dogs sister, same age and weight.

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Your dog will be fine, my friend used it on her dogs their whole life and they are perfectly healthy for a 13 year old dogs (she has 4). Some dogs do react badly to flea medications and with ANY flea treatment there are always risks. Like the oral treatments for fleas and heartworms can cause seizures and that's with the vet recommended medication. I don't use any flea treatments other than a natural cedarcide but I still use oral heartworm prevention even though there is a small risk of seizures because of my dogs heart problem, getting heart worms would kill him


Posted at
I use the Hartz wash on my dogs. I have 2 labs. Ones 2 and ones 7 months. They are perfectly fine. My grandma has a 9 year old poodle that geta a bath once a month and that's what she uses. I think it becomes a issue when the dog licks it or drinks the water. It's just like how you could use a shampoo and nothing happen but I use it and have a reaction.


Posted at
Your dog could have been perfectly fine even without washing it off- some dogs react badly to flea stuff and others don't. We can't say for certain that your dog would have had a reaction.But if you noticed fleas you should use something in your carpets, couches bed, etc.