
So ladies, need your advice. Yesterday was the start of tightness in my stomach which was a woah for me as I was only experiencing cramps down where my menstrual cramps would be. Well, today was a bit more intense. I wasnt able to time them right because I was at work but they got worse when walking and after lunch they became super uncomfortable I ended up calling my doctors office spoke with triage. They said because they aren't close enough together or painful enough 😭😭😶 that it would be pointless to come in. So I get home, my husband meets me at home. I bounce on my yoga ball some more, I take a nice relaxing bath, had rough deep sex then stuck the EPO capsules in my vagina I put 2,000 mg in there. About 15 mins later I got a tightness in my belly again while laying down. I wasnt sure if I should time then as they weren't painful just uncomfortable, took a 30 minute walk to 7/11 had tightness the entire way there and back. I'm still feeling tightness cant really tell if it had even gone away. Took a poop (tmi) and now I'm feeling some pain in my mid to lower back. I've attached what I was able to time for contractions. I'm 1cm dilated and 50% effaced as of a day ago. What do you think I need to do to get this show going.