What does this mean for my pregnancy?


So I am not sure what to think. I had a miscarriage in December at 12 weeks, then got pregnant again in June. I had some bleeding at 4 1/2 weeks, that sent me to the ED. Where they did my beta HCG that came back at 4,700. After that they did an ultrasound to find an empty gestational sack. I was told with HCG levels this high they should see more then a empty sack but to follow up with my ob. The I went to my ob 4 days later my HCG levels were 14,00 higher, but not where they were supposed to be. They scheduled another ultrasound for the next day. My next ultrasound showed that the gestational sack was measuring 5 weeks and 1 day. There was a cystic structure in the gestational sack that could be a yolk sack, but it was measuring larger then a typical yolk sack. My ob said I should wait 1 to 2 weeks, and get another ultrasound, and we would know for sure by then. I have only had slight cramping, and I haven’t had any bleeding since my ED visit. I just don’t understand what all this means. I don’t want to get my hopes up on a doomed pregnancy. I guess my question is has anyone ever gone through something like this before?