Can you read this?

My ex is a narcissist we were together 2 years &

We broke up a year ago bc he was abusive/cheating/manipulative & to this day he still finds a way to make himself noticed... either through Instagram or by driving by my house

Recently he got himself a gf this girl is so sweet we used to go to the same college & we’d call twin each other twin bc people would say we looked alike..

Then last week getting out of my neighborhood I see this silver car pull up next to me at the light and their light was green but stopped to honk me & when I looked it was my ex trying to show me that he had the same car I have just in silver he was all smiley in the car and I just looked and looked away so he zoomed off...

but I don’t understand the point of that.. what was the point of that ??? even before he used to pop up at my job and record me or pull up next to me honk and record me or have girls I’m following post him on their tl but I haven’t been caving and I’ve been standing strong & so he deleted his Instagram (maybe bc of her idk but honestly I’m just glad) ... do I miss him? Sometimes.. but would I go back.. absolutely not.