On a break


My boyfriend and I have been together almost a year. He’s been going through a lot this summer (mainly that his friend died of brain cancer). He called me and told me that he needs time to figure everything out and that he doesn’t know where this break is going to lead us or whatever.

He’s a very private person and so him needing time to himself during grieving makes sense.

I just don’t know what to do. I asked him if we can call (to talk about what this break means) and he said no because he needs space rn. So I asked him “am I just supposed to pretend u don’t exist??” And he responded with “yeah kinda.”

I just don’t know what to do on a break.. he wants to be completely isolated and idk how to do that

What’s ur guys’ experiences with relationships breaks? Where did it lead u?


I broke up w him lmao