Subchronic Hemorrhage


Pregnancy is such a wonderful and exciting time. Well its supposed to be I have had 1 pregnancy that I had placenta previa and got in a car accident and had an abrupted placenta due to the accident at 5 months lost my baby boy and had to give birth to him extremely painful and difficult for me. Pregnancy number two was a missed miscarriage no baby in the sac. Now pregnancy number three baby is perfectly healthy and growing beautifully but I have a Subchronic Hemorrhage and it is extremely painful and stressful and I have had two incidents already where it seemed i was having a miscarriage but it was just bleeding from the Hemorrhage. And i am on bed rest and pelvic rest and unable to work or make money to pay Bill's and everything is put on my husband and he is stressed out with no help and so much Bill's and now to top it off my plate sticker is expired and i cant afford a new one yet and my car is on empty so i cant move it and my husbands car just broke down we believe it is the starter and it has been so difficult I just dont know what to do. I am so sorry for the long post but I really needed to vent :(