Body shame...


My dad and mom always tell me abt my weight and I’ve always gotten told by not only them but my family and people at my school. I look through apps and pictures put up everywhere and I have to hold myself from breaking down from seeing all these beautiful skinny girls. I just hit 197 (I’m 5’10”) this week. because I’m in the process of moving and haven’t been able to plan meals or anything like that and whenever my family tries to “help” they make me feel worse abt it because they give tuff love and aren’t the best abt motivation in my kind of way. all they do is say I constantly eat or I eat too fast or too much and then yell at me to workout and I can’t feel good abt myself when people keep lessoning my worth based on my looks and weight like I wish I was healthy I just don’t have the mentality to try because I feel like I’m not worthy enough to get out of bed to workout.

I just need some tips or help or motivation or advice please.