Pls read and offer advice if you have climbers

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It’s currently 12:45 at night..... my son (17 months) is teething so for the last few weeks he has been waking up at 1 am screaming until either my husband or myself gets him and brings him to our bed. Then Wakes again at 5am ready to play. Needless to say I’m exhausted. His sleep schedule gets messed up when he’s teething. Well about three days ago HE FRIGGEN FIGURED OUT HOW TO CLIMB OUT HIS CRIB! I’m tooo paranoid to shut his door bc I like to be able to hear him. I’m worried about him hurting himself on the way out his bed, coming out his room and not coming to mine, and what kind of trouble he might get into if he ventured out his room or even in his room. He’s incredibly curious and digs in EVERYTHING. Child proof does not work with him.... never thought I’d say this in a bad way but he’s a freaking genius. I don’t think he will stay in a toddler bed if I got him one. But I’m at a loss here. Any advice from one mom of monkeys to another would be great! 🐒