Stillborn at 32 weeks.


I had a stillborn at 32 weeks back in 2011, and now I am 31 weeks 3 days. This pregnancy has been hard on me b/c my baby has had a rough time already. He already has hyperthyroidism and a goiter on his neck. Causing his heart rate to be around 180 to 190 mark. I have been on meds to help him and lately his heart rate has been normal. My baby is thriving and growing on time and he is weighing 4 pounds 3 ounces as of yesterday. I get so paranoid everytime he doesnt move and I am running to get my home doppler to check on his heart rate. I feel so scared I will lose him and stressing out a bit. I am trying to keep calm and enjoy this last bit of pregnancy but all I want is to have my baby and hold him. No one in my life seems to understand my anxiety so I dont talk about how I feel. They dont see how scared I am and alone in this.

How did any of you ladys deal with a new pregnancy after a late term still born? How can I get through these last few weeks without stressing myself out? I don't want to be alone anymore!!!!!