When did you feel movement with #3


So I'm just curious if any of you other mommies have felt early movement with your babies I started feeling flutters at 13 weeks with my first and full movement by 15 weeks and my second I started feeling stuff at 10 weeks. I'm very petite so I always figured that might be why I always feel movment early but either way with this pregnancy I've had plenty of weird feelings that i know have been due to gas or jusy muscle spasms but I'm 8 weeks 3 days today and had I swear I had what i can only describe as a flutter from inside my uterus. It happened twice very close together and lasted over 10 seconds each and I swear it is only a feeling i can describe coming from in my uterus (we all know what babies feel like at this point!) I'm sure most of you guys will think I'm absolutely nuts cuz even I'm having a hard time believing it but have any of you ever had very early feelings you could only attribute to the baby and couldnt brush it off as something else?