Omfg. I can't.

Put baby to bed thinking I had done everything right. Spent 2 hours with hubby. Got ready for bed. The second I lay down baby is crying. So I figure.. well, it's been almost 3 hours now, maybe I should do a "dream feed" to get him to sleep through the night tonight? So I give a bottle. Lay down. We're all asleep, loving life. I'm asleep 45 minutes and he's crying again. WTFfffff. Now here I am. up every single hour. For no reason at all. He's not hungry but nursing back to sleep because nothing else soothes him. It feels like the regression all over again 🙄

WHEN WILL HE SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT? WHEN HE'S A TODDLER?? I am so fucking jealous when people say their baby sleeps 7-7. The best he's ever done is 3-4am.