So he raped me ...

I broke up with him because I could sense an abusive pattern starting to form , he had no where to go so I let him stay till he could find a place . ONE NIGHT LATER , LADIES, I SHIT YOU NOT , was this man unlocking my bedroom door and coming in tryna take my pants off .

I said no and pulled them back up 15-20 times ,and shooed him away . he just waited till I fell asleep again to try again . I guess he finally got them off and shoved it in. I woke up pushed him off screaming at which point he looked at me and CLOSED HIS MOTHER FUCKING EYES like I couldn’t see him .

BROOOOOO, I chased him out .

We were supposed to get an apartment together too which was paid for (first and last) with his money .. wellll it was in MY name .

you best believe he just learned a 4400.00$ lesson .

I also cancelled the lease and will be finding a new place to live that he’s unAware of .