
So my wife and I have already purchased vials from the cryobank and are waiting to inseminate at home. I have unexplained irregular cycles maybe averaging 40 days since December 2018. I have yet to get a positive on the dip sticks and have had 6 days flashing smileys on the clearblue. Yesterday my cm was heavy but creamy. Not ewcm. I’m worried mostly because the app said I should’ve ovulated yesterday and my BBT has been on the rise the past two mornings. I have been doing clearblue testing in the morning and evening for the last 4 days and the dipsticks probably every time I pee even tho I’ve just been tracking them in the app morning and evening. Is it possible I missed my ovulation because my BBT is rising? But no CM or peak in opk... I really don’t want this sperm to go to waste because we spent so much money on it. 😩