Any allergic reactions yet?

Monique • ☀️💙11/28/2018💙💜due 11/30/2020💜👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I just had my boy (just turned 8 months ) have a reaction to peanut butter ... my boy has ezcema since like 2 months old and last time i tried peanut butter he had a small ezcema flare but i didnt think much of it, because he had it every second week or so...but that was reaction 1(about 3 weeks ago) i gave him more in his cereal...and about 5 mins later playing his face was covered in beaming hives and started bottom lip swelling...gave benedryl right away and called telecare (his breathing was fine and still wanting ro play) went into to hospital and they gave more benedryl as the first dose helped his face but his body was flaring up in hives like crazy...they monitored him well until it started to get better and prescribed me a years worth of EpiPens ..they can't tell me for sure it was due to peanuts as i need an allergy test done for that but the likely hood is high..

I can't believe my boy is a peanut kid...i can't believe i just ingored his ezcema flare and thought them like the rest. I am so glad he is ok now. But ouff that anxiety went up a lot for me...not sure how my next step will be...would love any feedbacks or experience you mamas have had with allergies and your babies

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