2nd Baby Delivery Experience



When I had my daughter 10 years ago, she came a few days early, was 6lbs 4oz, and came within a couple of hours. I had no time for a epidural. I’m curious about how my second will go and how much he will weigh. I can’t base off of my daughter’s since different father and ethnicity. Also I was born 7lbs but my mom smoked during pregnancy which can impact the weight. And my husband was born a preemie as well as his 2 brothers.

Did you find that your second experience was similar or different? Did the babies weight around the same? Was one birth easy and the other harder/longer? My sister has two sons, 4 years apart with different fathers and they weighed around the same, my sister was also a big baby (mom didn’t smoke when pregnant with her). Just wanted to know everyone’s experiences when it came to having their 2nd.

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So my first was an induction my little boy had zero plans on coming in his own so at 41 weeks we went in to start the process. It wasn’t bad at all just extremely long process I was in labor for 30 plus hours then pushed for 55min had an episiotomy and he was born. He was 8 lbs 6 oz 22inches long healthy and perfect. This second baby same issue way too comfortable I was agin induced exactly three years to the day I went in to be induced with my first July 1st. We started the process again great experience this time it all was moving way faster, I was 5 cm dilated my husband was starving we had been at the hospital for awhile so I told him to go get food it’ll be awhile before anything happened. Boy was I wrong 25-30 min later doctor comes and I’m 8 cm dilated I called my husband said everything is ok but you should get back up here I’m 8 cm dilated before I could finish my sentence he hung up on me and ran back lol. Then boom 10cm dilated we started pushing. I labored 12 hours and pushed for 4 hours and unfortunately with each contraction his heart rate dipped and he just wasn’t coming down like he needed go so I went in for an emergency c section. Moments later they were saying how they now see why he wasn’t coming he was huge with wide shoulders they held him over the curtain them took him clean him up. A nurse yells 9lbs 11oz 21 inches long my jaw dropped. He definitely wasn’t coming out pushing when I saw how big he really was. Even though I had a much shorter labor this second time I just apparently make big babies and my narrow hips couldn’t do it this time around.


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My first I had to be induced at 39 weeks he weighed 7lb 13oz and my labor was like 24 hours 3+hours of pushing and the had the use the vacuum thing to get him out. My second was almost 2 weeks late. 13ish hour labor 15 mins of pushing she was 8lb 11oz


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I had my first 8 years ago, I had to be induced as she was 2 weeks overdue, from start to finish my labour was 6 hours long she weighed 6lbs 11oz.3 weeks ago I had my second daughter she was also 2 weeks overdue and I had to be induced again. This time labour from start to finish was 1 hour 36 minutes. She came weighing a healthy 7lbs 9oz


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My son was a 72 hour labor with pushing for 2.5 hours. I had no meds or epi with him, they had to cut my from my V-A because he got stuck I had so many stitches it’s not funny and healing took months; he came out at 7.14 lbs and was born on his due date.My second took a total of 9 hours with 20 min of pushing, I had the epi with her after 6 hours without it, I didn’t need to be cut and I didn’t tear. I healed within 3 weeks, she came out 6.11 lbs she was born a week early.


BonQuiQui • Aug 4, 2019
Yea the first was definitely no fun that’s for sure lol I’m really hoping my third is the same as my second!


Leah • Aug 4, 2019
Ouch with the first! My daughter made me tear and get 12 stitches because she came so quickly.