I just found out my husband's cheating on me..

iyona • Mother of 1. Jonathan Adrian💕

So in order to understand this you have to know about last night. So me and my husband live apart because we miscarried twice and I got depressed, turned to drugs. We got evicted and were getting our lives together. He stays with his mom(they rent together) And I stay with family. We are still together just living separate because we can't afford our home right now. So i get us a hotel and he comes over and we make love and he holds me. Did i mention I'm 31 weeks pregnant? Anywho, we fall asleep and wake up for the breakfast this morning and he steps out the room and while I get dressed something tells me to look at his phone and I do. This is what I find

Ladies I feel just dead inside. I haven't said anything. He came back with the food and I can't even eat. I just feel sick. He keeps asking what can he do to make me happier and I smile and say I'm fine. I don't know what to do. I feel like when I was on drugs and I made us lose everything with my addiction he is seeking other women and it's my fault... we're already married and he is telling her we isn't?? She's also married I read. I haven't called or texted her either. He made me seem like such a bad person I'm sure she would text him as soon as I did. And I haven't slept with anybody but him. So now the baby isnt his? And I can't even bear the sexual stuff. He hasn't gotten it a lot because we don't live together which is why I got the hotel but we have sex 2-3 times a week when I go to his house or he comes to my family home. So why isn't it enough... I'm just shook...

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Time to leave


Su • Aug 4, 2019


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It’s time to end things with him. It’ll be hard but he’s just going to keep doing this to you.


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First off he’s cheating because he’s a cheater, not because of your addiction. So it’s not your fault. Second, he’s going around claiming the child isn’t his when he knows damn well it is. What a dick. Third, he’s putting all your info out there to make himself look like a good guy and that he’s just in a shitty situation. Nope. He did this all to himself. Sounds like y’all are married, were TTC and it happened and now he’s just not wanting to be faithful anymore. I’d keep these screenshots as proof and divorce him.


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Honestly, problems or not in the marriage, that's ZERO excuse to cheat/entertain other people. Your drug use is not an excuse. You living apart is not an excuse. There are none.You need to tell him what's wrong. Don't do what they always want us women to do: smile and pretend like nothing's wrong. Let him know. Save yourself the heartache later. Cuz if he's a dirtbag you can get rid of him now instead of carrying on for years and continuing to be hurt. It's not a you problem, it's HIM.


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Im so sorry. Thats awful. There is NEVER an excuse to cheat. And it is NOT your fault. It was a conscious decision he made.


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That 100% sounds like a bot


Vi • Aug 4, 2019
The "girl" chatting him and sending pics was clearly a bot, prewritten messages but his replies are his own


iyona • Aug 4, 2019
It isnt


Na • Aug 4, 2019
I thought it was all the same conversation


Posted at
Well for one the way he speaks about you is terrible and I'm sure she's not the only one he talks to about you, I'm sorry this is happening to you but theres is no excuse to cheat I would leave and cut all communication with him off ! He's denying the baby screw him.


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Confront his ass and in 3 months get a full 10 panel std testing with trichomoniasis. If hes fucking 1 ,hes probably fucking more.Also confront that girl too with the facts


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Don’t put his name on the certificate,sounds like him and that girl are plotting!!


iyona • Aug 4, 2019
I just don't know about what. He's not coming around my son


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Sent the screenshots to that whores husband. Message the other girl that he has herpes and divorce the creep


patti mayonnaise 🇮🇪 ☘ • Aug 4, 2019
In what way is sending screenshots of a conversation to a cheating wifes husband illegal? Shes informing the dude that his wife is doing him dirty with her husband.


Na • Aug 4, 2019
Both of those things are illegal so like, maybe don’t