Has anyone else experienced this ??


So my sister has a very regular period, never comes early never comes late. Well i myself am pregnant with my second baby so i know a good well of information about pregnancy and all the symptoms and she was describing to me that she had this weird spotting that she thought was her period but stopped after a day and only was there when she wiped. It never got on her under wear or anything. Well i told her to take a test cause she had also told me her boobs were sore which has never happened before and she had thrown up the day before feeling nauseas. So she took a first response test and there was a very faint line but was most definitely there. She kept taking tests which were all super faint. They haven’t gotten darker yet (it only being 3 days since she has taken the first one) well today she had started bleeding and it was like her period heavy, she took a test and it was still a faint positive. Could she just be loosing the baby? Or is there still hope that she could be pregnant ? LADIES HAS ANYONE EXPERIENCED THIS ?

She has also gone to tell me that her lower back has been killing her out of no where..?

I’m so confused.