Apartment advice

So I moved into my first apartments last year. It is not a luxury apartment but it’s not a dump either. Anyways recently I’ve had plumbing issues (no hot water) well the building I’m in has had plumbing issues. The plumbers came out and they thought it fixed it. Well I’m on the second floor and my hot water is still not on. I have luke warm water but that’s it. They told me it’s not mixing somewhere and an actual contractor has to come out and fix it. I don’t know what to do or what that means for me. I’m guessing I can’t make a big scene and demand that my rent be lower or not pay so much? Is there anything I can do beside wait and stay on top of them to make sure it gets done?

The apartment complex doesn’t communicate with me that great and I’ve been the one having to call them. I’m just getting a little frustrated and want to know what I can do.