did you get pregnant from precum or pull out method?



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We used thepull our method for the whole 13 years we been together . I can tell you both time when we got pregnant with both our girls bc we didn’t use the pull out method those 2 days and our son again using the pull out method 8 years after our youngest daughter couldn’t tell you when we got pregnant with him😂


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I got pregnant while on the pill, using a condom, and monitoring my fertile window. 🤷🏻‍♀️ sometimes life has other ideas


Ka • Aug 5, 2019
oh my gosh that’s crazy! lol


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If you don't want to get pregnant, don't use pullout, especially without spermicide. My husband and I used pull out and it worked for us, but we were also fine with getting pregnant again, it would just be a little sooner than planned, but would be wanted. Some men have more preejaculate than others, sometimes older men are more successful at withdraw and don't have preejaculate etc. But if your man has it, you'll probably end up pregnant, so certainly don't count on it!


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So my SO and did it for 4 years and we only became pregnant when we tried. After my pregnancy we went back to pull out and he wasn't nearly as careful because we had the mentalitity "if it happens it happens" lol just found out I'm pregnant yesterday. So it works when done right but be prepared for anything.


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It works until it doesn't 💁 if you don't want to get pregnant I suggest you use condoms or get on birth control.