I’m sorry(Long post)

Nigeria • I go by all pronouns don’t disrespect that I’m a lesbian

I wanted to tell everyone sorry for everything. I do want help so I’m going back into therapy. I’m one thing for sure is I’m trying. When I feel things get tough I decided to stay quiet and not worry people. I learned a lot and I realize people care. Well strangers care about me more than my own family. Sometimes I find it difficult to trust people. Sometimes I wonder how will life get better if life is only getting worse now. I don’t want to bother anyone so I guess I’m done with this post. Hopefully I understand more bc I feel weak. Therapy hasn’t help before so will it work now??? Fight harder with the police that didn’t work..... I’m sorry I post a lot. This is like a safe place for me. A place where I actually feel accepted and free to talk about things hat bother me and not get called a liar and get blamed for everything....... can anyone message me to just talk. Yes I’m 14 and want to die sometimes but I feel there’s a part of me that wants to be alive