

My Obgyn wants to start me in clomid . I have PCos . Hers the thing she wants me to start it on day 5. I starting spotting on Friday . Therefore tomorrow should be day 5 but I haven’t bled. Only brown discharge occasionally when I wipe. I had cramps last night but now they’re gone . I have a BFN this afternoon. Would you take the clomid or wait and see if this is implantation or pre - bleeding ??

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I wouldnt. CD1 needs to be a full flow ! I almost messed up and took mine 2 days early but i stopped and googled it, read what others said. And it worked thank god i got pregnant that cycle


Keelay • Aug 6, 2019
Maybe you are pregnant???


Keelay • Aug 6, 2019
Google it - seriously! I almost took mine early and then decided to hold off. Spotted for 2-3 days before full flow


Je • Aug 6, 2019
That’s interesting. I just started Femara and my doctor told me CD1 is any sort of colored spotting/bleeding. He told me to start taking it CD3-5.