Have tried everything and still not pregnant!



Feeling defeated! We've been trying for years now and still no baby #2! We've had a couple of losses but haven't been pregnant now in over a year. I've had HSG test done to flush tubes and make sure they work (they're fine). Have ovulation tracking each month with my dr. Have taken medication to fix my high prolactin levels, BD on the right times and a fair amount of it during fertile week and still not falling pregnant!! I've got one son so I know my body can do it but it just isn't happening. I'm only 30, I don't understand why we don't get pregnant anymore 😣 I really don't want to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. If everything is fine and all checked out, I cannot understand why we don't get pregnant...

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I’m in the exact same boat. We’ve been trying for 1.5 years for baby #2 and the doctor doesn’t now what’s wrong. Her guess is stress. I’m 30 as well. Baby dust to you! I hope we both get our BFP soon! Also I’ve started reading Making Babies and it has some helpful tips at a holistic approach. Reading it has calmed me down and I’ve incorporated their tips into everyday life.


M • Aug 6, 2019
Thanks! I&#x27;ll have to check it out also. Mine could also be stress, I&#x27;ve started acupuncture to help. Hopefully we get our bfps soon 😊