My life

Heads up if you get lost in the middle of my story, I just had my baby almost 3 months ago and I still have pregnancy brain, but I tried my best to explain everything in detail. Thank you for reading.

I want to tell you my story ever since I got pregnant. My sister got pregnant first with her first baby and a few months I got pregnant with my 3 baby, my sister works and I’m a stay at home mom. While my sister was pregnant she told me she was going back to work after the baby is born, and I told her who was gonna take her of the baby since I will be having my baby too, and she said me and she didn’t even ask me if I wanted to take care of the baby, of course I said no I can’t, I have a small kid who still needs care and my newborn baby will be too much for me, she told my mom about it and my mom said that I should take care of the baby since I’m a stay at home mom and I have a lot of time, I just rolled my eyes, and I still said no, both my sister and mom said that I got pregnant on propose so I don’t have to help my sister with the baby, like really mom?!?, I still said NO.

Well during my pregnancy the first trimester and second trimester I had the most horrible all day sickness, it started at 6 weeks and went away at 28 weeks, at 12 weeks I started bleeding for 2 days, I had my first ultrasound an they told me I had subchorionic hematoma, I was expecting a little girl, at my follow up next month thank god it disappeared on it own. After that week, I had this horrible lower back pain, I couldn’t sit or lay on my back or else it will hurt really bad, when I would go to the bathroom it was horrible for me to get up and when I had to drive I just couldn’t it was excruciating pain, I couldn’t sleep either, and then weeks later I got vertigo, anemia and oh look I just being diagnosed with Gestational diabetes, I was prescribed with metformin and folate, I also had to get a monitor to monitor my sugar, I go to the pharmacy and my insurance didn’t cover that so I paid 100 along with the pills, later my insurance calls me and said that they do cover all of that, at my third trimester my blood pressure was getting high, I couldn’t walk for longer than 10 minutes and I got a horrible pain on my back I couldn’t sleep at night and also I couldn’t sit because of how horrible the pain is.

My Braxton Hicks started at 16 weeks up until birth, they started to get intense but all they told me to do was drink a lot of water and move positions, and to take warm baths, it did worked but only for a while, at 38 weeks my Braxton Hicks started to get bad, and I knew something was wrong with the baby so me and my hubby at 3:00 am on Saturday May 18, 2019 we went to the hospital, at first they wanted to send me home, they went by what I said, I said I had none stop Braxton Hicks for a week every 10 minutes and that I couldn’t breathe sometimes and my back started to hurt, they just said it was too soon and that I should go back home and come back when they are 5 minutes apart, I said no because I don’t feel this is right, after fighting with them they hook me up in the monitor to monitor the baby’s heart, they started to notice that the baby’s heart will drop down every time I would get a Braxton Hick and I told them that I get them every 10 minutes and if that’s what happens with her heart I am not going home, well they decided to induce me, I have been induced before my last 2 pregnancies but this time it was a horrible experience, first they will check me if I was dilated and I was only 1 cm and half then they used pitocin and inserted a foley balloon to help me open my cervix, I had that for 5-8 hours after those hours I asked for the epidural because all this time they were giving me higher doses of pitocin, while getting the epidural, again my last pregnancies was fast and painless, well this time it hurt, I guess it was a medical student because she used and ultrasound machine to find the tissue, she took so long and my sitting position was hurting my back, after getting the epidural they checked and I was at 5cm by that time it was already 10pm so they broke my water, they came back and check me and I was still 5cm and that’s when they started to check my sugar again every 2 hours, and they poked me in the same hand so my poor fingers started to swell up, the next day at 8 am I was 7 cm and the baby was high up so now they are changing me positions to drop the baby’s head down, by 12 pm the epidural started to not work,so the contractions were starting to hurt really bad, they came to check me and cervix was 8cm and I told them that it was hurting and they said it’s because the baby’s head is pushing down and that she’s lowering down into the birth canal, so I hang in there, I wanted to cry but I hold it in, last time they check me was at 2:25 pm and I was already 10cm and 100% effaced so I was ready to push, I started to push at 2:30pm and at 2:35 the baby was out, 7lbs 17inches, born on Sunday May 19,2019, she was perfect, my baby had her sugar really low so we had a lot of skin to skin contact and they started to also poke her feet to check her sugar, it was so sad for me to watch, I blame my self but gestational diabetes you can’t control it, it just happens. After having the baby I was discharge on Monday basically the next day I gave birth and they told us that if I have blood clots the size of a tennis ball to come back to the hospital, we go home, when I started to walk more I had 3 blood clots come out the size of a golf ball, I called and asked me how long it’s being after the baby was born and I said more that 24 hours and they said it was soon that I gave birth and since I was discharge soon I should wait another 6 hours and to call them if it happens again, well this time something weird came out and it wasn’t a blood clot, it was as bigger as a hand palm and it was grayish brown, I didn’t go to the hospital but I did told a friend who had a baby recently and she said that maybe it was probably leakage of the Foley balloon since it was filled with water and that it got capsulated. Who knows I never went to the hospital.

After having my baby 2 weeks early I had a follow up check up at 2 weeks postpartum so I go to my check up and they told me that my Medicaid has being deactivated, which to me it was supposed to expire on July and my baby was born in May, the receptionist tried to help me and told me to apply for family planning, when she reschedule my appointment, days later I go to my appt and everything was going well until I decided on a birth control which was the implant that goes on the arm, explanon, my doctor told me that I was gonna have none stop bleeding for a year or that I will bleed until it’s time to change it, she also told me to get the iud Mirena, but I didn’t want that type so she said that pills could be another option but that I must remember to take it daily and I said okay, she sends the prescription to the pharmacy at the hospital and once I got there they told me the price and I said that I was on family planning and that the pills have to be free and the pharmacist said no that pills are not part of family planning. Weeks later after having my baby I got the hospital bill, over 10,000 for the birth and delivery and 356 for lab of me and 180 is for the baby, which my insurance covers so now I’m confused as to why they send the bill to me but not at my Medicaid, That was the last straw for me, I tried fixing everything, I paid for my prescriptions during my pregnancy (medicaid said it was supposed to be free) and now all of this is happening. I don’t know what to do regarding the huge bills. I feel like this pregnancy has brought bad luck, I love my baby but the things that are happening to me it is scary, I’m also grateful I didn’t get postpartum depression but i almost had it, but for some reason I defended it. Tell me your experience during pregnancy and after labor. Thank you for reading. I think I needed to get it out of my system. I also understand that they are bigger problems people face than mine, but everyone has it differently, and this is my Life.