Help this mama with silly paranoia



Okay all! Baby number two 18w and 5d. Im going crazy feeling like I should feel more movement by now. I have been able to feel movement of some type as early as 13-14w but I feel like as big as he is now I should he feeling it constantly!? Am I just worrying myself? I can feel true movement not just flutters and light jabs. My son and husband have both felt the jabs beforw. Thoughts?!

Update: he must know mama needed some piece of mind, he definitely moved more all day and has been very active tonight, I could even see his movement on the outside a little tonight 💕💕

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Posted at
You’re still early it’s normal not to feel movements right now. In the next few weeks you’ll start to feel them more, I wouldn’t worry right now.


E.A.C. • Aug 6, 2019
Thank you 💕


Kirsten • Aug 6, 2019
Wishing you a safe healthy delivery soon!


E.A.C. • Aug 6, 2019
I’m the same way! I’m 38wks with my second so she can come anytime now. My whole pregnancy I’ve been paranoid since I know what to expect.


Posted at
I’m 22weeks and feel the same way. My dr. Said it’s nothing to worry about until around 28 weeks. 28 is when the counting should begin. Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy!


Kirsten • Aug 6, 2019
Thank you, you too mama!!


Posted at
I'm 18 weeks and 4 days with my second and I haven't really felt a whole lot of movement unless I've been sitting or laying down. Eventually those kicks will get stronger and stronger! No worries! I'm super paranoid too and I know feeling the baby move gives more piece of mind for sure. Hang in there!


Emily • Aug 6, 2019
Yes I agree! When I finally started to feel the little movements it was a huge relief. But of course I'm always worried so that will never change either. 😂


Kirsten • Aug 6, 2019
It really does. Its like the only external thing as a mom that gives us something to suggest all is well in there!