Baby Measuring Small And I’m a Wreck.


I know this is lengthy but please continue to read. I went for my first ultrasound today. I know for a fact I’m supposed to be 8 weeks 4 days pregnant today, because I know when my last period was and we used opk’s religiously. My due date was originally March 14th. When I went for my ultrasound today, there was a strong heartbeat of 145 bpm and I could see the heart flutter on the ultrasound. However, the tech told me that the baby is only measuring 7 weeks and 4 days, with a due date of March 20th. I immediately started sobbing because I see so many stories on here of people who’s babies stopped growing completely, resulting in miscarriage. I’m so scared this means I’m going to miscarry. The tech told me not to worry, I could’ve ovulated or implanted late. But I know for a FACT when I ovulated. I’m very worried even though there was a strong heartbeat. Do any of you ladies have experience with this? I’m sobbing as I type this because of how scared I am. And I know I will be paying even closer attention to my symptoms now, and I will constantly be worried.