What's going on?

Emma • Mamma to two. One 💙 three 😇, working on my 🌈


Flo keeps pushing my period off, telling me now it's 4 days away, because I put in my muscus /discharge?

Glo is telling me I'm 6 days late.

My last period was the 27th and 28th, it was light, only the two days, had some spotting on the 29th,

Iv had nothing since, cramps but nothing to even close to noticing them, they were like fluttering cramps compared to cramps, tests are doing my head in I'm so over taken them as some give me positive some give me negative!

Just fed up tbh!

I'm going to book the doctors tomorrow to see what's going?

I'm not stressed in anyway! I ovulated the 16th, had another high, but not peak/positive on the 21st??

I had stringy mucus on the 21st, then I had creamy on the 28th and again today. Pic in comments of the different discharges, has anybody any advise? Or had the same and what did ye do??