Copy and paste, in comments. 😜😁 how's your pregnancy

1. How many months along are you in your pregnancy?


2. What was your first reaction when you found out?


3. Were you scared? If so, of what?

Not being ready financially

4. Was it hard for you to tell others, or was it easy?

Depending on who it was.

5. Do you fear birth?

Not yet shockingly

6. Are you having a c-section, or vaginal birth?

Vaginal hopefully

7. When is your due date?

August 25th

8. One thing that stresses you most about being pregnant?

The emotions

9. Do you know if the baby will be a boy or girl yet?


10. What name are you planning on giving your child?

Haven't told a soul πŸ’β€β™€οΈ

11. Tell me all of the names you considered for your baby?

A couple, briella, gracelyn, faith, Gabriella.

12. Can you feel your baby kicking now?

Like she beats me up.

13. Worst thing about being pregnant?

Being emotional

14. Best thing about being pregnant?

Feeling your baby inside you, the bond.

15. Do you get morning sickness?

Never have.

16. Do you cry a lot?


17. Have you peed yourself yet!?


18. Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now, besides you?

Yes, alot.

19. First person you told you were pregnant, besides the one who got you pregnant?

I honestly dont know, just remember telling the father first. πŸ’•

20. How was your boyfriends/husbands reaction to the news?


21. Do you have a nursery set up yet?

No, I have her furniture set up in my bedroom.

22. What is the nursery theme?

I'm I'm alot of dalmation.

23. Tell me all of the things you have bought for the baby:

Ugh alot. No crib tho, trying bassinet.

24. Have you had your baby shower yet?

I will this week.

25. Best thing you got at the baby shower/or thing you hope to get at the baby shower:

Keepsake items, baby book, bottles

26. Who is planning your baby shower or who planned it?


27. Are you nervous for the birth?

Deja vu. Not yet looool.

28. Do you think you will be embarrassed if your water breaks in public?

Yes deff

29. Did you know that vaginal birth hurts for just as long as a c-section birth, after the baby is born?


30. Will you be able to have natural birth, with no drugs?

Idk, FTM. shooting for natural because I have 2 friends suffering long term from epidural. Doubtful I'll care once I'm in pain tho. πŸ˜‚