Sleeping thru night



Hey mamas! My 8 week old just started sleeping 6-7 hour stretches at night and is exclusively breastfed. With him going this long between sessions at night, will my milk supply decrease? I reaaaaally am enjoying my extra sleep but I really don’t want my supply to drop. 😅

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Posted at
It isn’t necessary to pump at night, otherwise you’ll always have the issue of being super full.Your supply will adjust based on your baby’s sleep schedule.


Posted at
I wouldnt worry about it. Despite sleeping that long your baby will still need to eat just as much. plus it probably wont last anyway so enjoy it! I asked the same question a while back and I'm up every 2 hours again now 🤪


Ch • Aug 7, 2019
Holding out hope 🤣🤣


Posted at
Your supply will adjust, mine did even with my son sleeping 10 hours at night regularly.


Posted at
Your supply will only drop during that time. Not totally. Itll get on the same schedule as him. Pretty cool.


Posted at
Pump at night. Start building your stockpile.