Not sleeping



My son is 6 months 2 weeks... usually he sleeps from half 8 to half 7 and wakes up 3/4 times. Last night he went to bed at 9 and woke up at half 7 but he woke up 9 times! How long does everyone babies sleep for? What are your routines

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My boy goes to bed anywhere from 7-8pm and will sleep straight through to 6:30am. He still wakes up once in a while for a feed but maybe only once a week. Our routine is pretty basic:6:35pm- bath time (every 3rd night)6:50pm- diaper & put on cream & pyjamas 7:00pm- bottle7:30pm- usually asleep by this time.


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My baby boy is 7 months old today and has slept 5:30pm - 7am for about 2 months now. He doesn't wake up. It's all since he's been on solids really x


Rachel • Aug 7, 2019
Oh and we don't have a routine really 🤷🏼‍♀️ he'll have his dinner at 4pm then at 5:20 we'll change his nappy and put his pyjamas on then put him in his cot and give him an 8oz bottle and then he goes to sleep x