Occupying baby’s attention



What all are you ladies using to occupy your baby’s attention so you can get stuff done or simply run to the bathroom? Lol

He’s lost interest in his swing and we have an activity center I guess you call it - he sits in it and it has little toys attached all around him. He’s not a huge fan of that.

I need something to put him in so I can have a moment to myself sometimes lol

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Honestly I strap her in her swing or put her play mat on the floor with a bunch of toys and turn on baby first tv 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s not like I sit her down in front of it all day but sometimes I need to get stuff done and need a good 20 minutes to myself. I am thinking about getting one of those water play mats soon off amazon


Sa • Aug 7, 2019
They are on sale today!


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I go to work and have my mom watch him 😂😂😂


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I should also add I have an almost 3 year old so I can’t really put the baby on the playmat with toys or in the pack n play. My oldest will definitely climb right in it! Lol


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Our play mat has about a dozen toys on it plus i have a mirror for him. He has that and i put little baby bums on. He will listen to it or scoot and watch it and play. Gotta do what ya gotta do. I don’t care if people judge for his little baby show. It’s music and learning. People don’t like it oh well lol


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I lay her in her pack n play in the living room which has a bunch of her toys in it. I also put on Beat Bugs for her if she’s in there but she hardly watches haha it’s mostly for the music while she plays with her toys and I clean or do whatever I need to do.


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my little guy loves the floor. he has play mats everywhere and he likes to roll and scoot, and watch tv or listen to music. 🤷‍♀️


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I sit him in his baby seat thing and turn on word party or that other baby show (spacing on the name... That's how like he watches it). Only long enough to switch or fold laundry, do a quick load of dishes in the sink, get more bottles prepped, etc.