Absolutely Crushed


I woke up this morning wondering if I should post - because I never have on here. I found out I was pregnant 2 days ago with my boyfriend of 8 months. We agreed on having kids about 3 months into the relationship. I felt as though we’ve been on the same page about everything, and being 35 I was super excited when I found out.

I told him last night, after I had a day to process everything. He basically said “Woah.” He was processing so much in front of me I told him he should go for a walk. When he came back, he told me that he thought we were still working on us, and that the first time I told him I loved him, he was awkward saying it back because he didn’t mean it. He said he wanted to still get to that point and work on these things with me, but wanted me to know that’s why he never says it. He’s 40 & has never been married or had kids. He’s told me that a lot of girls he’s dated, immediately after splitting with him - got married.

My heart is absolutely crushed today. I feel like I don’t know who I am dating .. and that he told me the one thing he could think of to make me feel extremely low after I told him the news I was excited about. After about an hour of me crying - he apologized for his reaction and asked to come to my appointment with me on Thursday.

I basically said nothing to him the rest of the night or today. I am absolutely crushed and didn’t think my first experience would be like this.