She’s here!!


I was due August 8th. Scheduled to be induced starting at 10pm in the 6th, I was already having some mild contractions so they waited until 12am to start the Cytotec. I went to sleep for a couple hours and they woke me up at 3am to give me another dose.

5am I woke up to some pretty painful contractions (but thought no way they were doing anything) so I asked the nurse if I could take a bath. She asked if i wanted her to check my cervix before I got in but I told her no.

I got in the bath and the contractions just kept getting more intense and closer together. I still thought there was no freaking way I was actually in labor. Until they get really intense and I felt my water break.

My nurse came in and said we should get me into bed so she could check my cervix and told me the anesthesiologist was in a c-section, but the next one on shift would be here in 25 minutes.

By this point my contractions were back to back and super intense and I could barely walk to the bed.

My nurse pulled the alert thing they put in the bathroom so another nurse came running in to help me, they got me into bed and was trying to check me but I couldn’t sit still I was in SOO much pain. They called a doctor in who introduced himself as he checked my cervix.

I was at a 9 and he told me to start pushing. The nurses were running around like crazy getting the warmer and the bed ready for me to push. I looked around and said “so we’re just doing this??”

My doctor came running in right as her head was coming out and didn’t even have time to put on a second glove. She was out in about 8 minutes. Her shoulder got stuck because she wasn’t in the right position and the nurse had to put pressure on her while i pushed and my doctor pulled.

She was dark purple and really limp when they put her on my chest at 6:53am. They clamped her cord and cut it immediately and pulled her over to the warmer where they were rubbing her and doing suction. They had her on oxygen for ten minutes before she finally started crying and they gave her back to me.

It took me like an hour to calm down and stop saying “did that really just happen???”

Her birthday is 08/07/19. 6:53 am

8lbs 6oz. 20 and a half inches long.