Funny “labour” story


So this is funny for me...I am still pregnant but experienced a bit of a funny incident a couple of days ago.

Hubby and I went to this baby expo on Sunday and around lunch time, I started feeling this mild pain on my upper stomach...didn’t think much of it so I just left it. The pain continued and moved to the sides of my stomach as the evening, I took a warm shower to loosen up my muscles and relax a bit...pain increased and it was extremely was moving a lot! Spent all night with stomach cramp and could barely sleep.

Next morning I messaged my gyne and explained the situation. He asked me to come in for test because maybe I was in labour. I got plugged into this machine that was showing a healthy baby heartrate, tons of baby movement and very mild contractions. So I was sent home but was asked to take it easy because it was maybe the start of something.

Spent the entire day with horrible pain, throwing up, it was awful. My mom was so sweet, she made me some chicken soup and 30 minutes later a massive fart came out of my ass! It turned out I just had gas for 2 days....I haven’t had any pain or any labour signs ever since 🤣🤣 I am 39w3d and nada!!!