Birth Story 💛


I went in for my 37 week check up 7/31/19. Got my first cervical check & I was not dilated or effaced. Afterwards I went home & walked for 30mins which I did 2-3 times a week. I started to experience pelvic pain & felt my baby kick harder than ever 😩 so I stopped walking and went inside to freshen up. I started feeling better after my shower. The next day 8/1/19 ; I was scheduled for a growth scan because baby was measuring small. Her estimated weight was 6lbs 5oz. (Skips to later that night) around 11pm me & my boyfriend decided to have sex ; he said “ima fck her out of you” 🥵 1am I start having light cramps , but I was able to sleep through them. 5am , the cramps got worse and I had to think about each one. I started tracking the contractions they were all 8-10 minutes apart. So I waited until 7am when my mom got off work to go into the ER. Everyone thought they were just pre-labor pains. I get admitted into the hospital around 8:30am. The nurse knew something was wrong because my urine wasn’t readable. My nurse figured I was leaking & I had an infection. Both were true. She checked me & I was 4cm dilated & 100% effaced 😰 now I’m getting nervous because I’ll be having a baby at any time. I sent a text to everybody I wanted to know, “IM IN LABOR😬”! I was then moved to the L&D room to get situated and watch the epidural video just in case I wanted to get it. Around 12:15 I was dilated to 5cm & the contractions were starting to get worse. They then offered the epidural, I took it . I was still in the room by myself because I had to get my IV & epidural, so I’m nervous 🥵 When they were done my boyfriend and mom came in to check on me! After mom was there my sister & dad came in. Oh yeah btw ; I was given Pitocin to speed up the contractions. I was feeling lovely from the all the pain meds 😊 Boyfriend left to get food & as soon as he left my water broke at 5:54pm 😈 it was go time ! He came back. After being in labor for about 13 hours , I had given birth to my beautiful baby girl at 6:40pm on August 2nd weighing 5lbs & 6.1oz 🥰 & due to the epidural I didn’t feel anything, AT ALL ‼️ Thank God for a safe delivery & healthy baby girl 😇🙌🏽

Little Miss A’Ziyah Briellé Haslett 👑