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Ok so my last period was June28-July3 ovulation window was between july 13-18 BD on 15 & 18 predicted period would come on August 1st

All pregnancy test are negative

Except for the one I just took now little story for the one that is in the photo I bought it I came home at 1am did the test at 1:05am I seen a line at 1:15am I waited for the dye to run through I still see a tiny faint line I heard of the “water trick” they say if you add a few drops of water to the test it clears up the dye and you’ll be able to see a line if your pregnant ok I seen the line was getting darker

I have an old pregnancy test from when I found out about my daughter it’s the same brand and everything I used it as a guide to see if I’m actually seeing a line or that if I have line eyes

Then I thought to myself if I were pregnant that line would be dark AF since I’m 1 week late

No I don’t have insurance to go to a doctor I can’t seem to get an appointment at planned parenthood and yes I can afford to take care of children I have 2 already and they’re happy and healthy

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