

So I’ve been in the ICU since Monday due to a ruptured spleen, and I’ve been on some serious pain meds, so I’ve had to pump and dump. I haven’t been able to pump as much as I’d like to and my supply has seriously tanked. My husband has had my son at home using my freezer stash. My son would never take a bottle, but has had no choice this week. My question is, do you think I should just start the switch to supplementing with formula since he’s already 9 months old? Husband said he’s been sleeping great throughout the night without the boobie (which he was always up 4+ times a night). I’ve said before I wanted him off the boob so I could have my body back and to see if he’d sleep more, rather than use me for comfort. I feel like if I’m going to make a switch, now would be the time, I might get to go home tomorrow.