
Just about had it with the nights. My daughter has NEVER slept good. Only maybe a hand full of times has she slept 5 hour stretches and slept through the night once.

These are things that I’m doing:

Bed time routine


Awake 2 hours before



Puts self to sleep

Noise machine

But yet she usually wakes up every hour sometimes every 2. I need to sleep again this just isn’t normal.

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Posted at
So my daughter was doing the same thing and I was feeding her every time so it just became a habit for her to wake up. So what I did was over the course of a week cut out all but one feedings at night. So the first time she woke up I just soothed her and put her back down, when she woke up again I would feed. The next night refuse two feedings, etc. it took me 7 days, but since then she’s not sleeping 5-6 hours, feeds then goes back down for another 4-5 hours. I’ll eventually cut the one feeding out too.


Kelsie • Aug 8, 2019
Thank for the advice!


Jess • Aug 8, 2019
I'm going to try this..


Brianna • Aug 8, 2019
I’m going to try this!


Posted at
We were having this baaaad the last few weeks and looked it up. Between 3 and 4 months babies have a big sleep regression because they start going into the four phases of sleep rather than the two they have been use to. Everything online said to just keep doing your routine and they will come out of it. I did what the mama who weaned baby from multiple feedings a night did as well. It has gotten better for us and his sleep patterns were not negatively affected. Just keep up what you are doing (and maybe reduce feedings like the others said) and you will make it through! Good luck mama, sending sleeping dust your way!


Posted at
Oh I’m having this waking up every hour right now - I’m night 12 and I’m dying! I’ve heard it’s a leap ! Leap 4! Maybe your lo is going through the same?


Posted at
Around what times are you doing all these things? My baby sleeps all night. I bathe him around 6 pm, he has a bottle around 8:00-8:30, most of the time he stays awake for about an hour after he eats (just depends on how many and long his naps were). He’s usually in bed by 9:30 and sleeps until 7:00-7:30. If he’s really tired, he’ll sleep later. If he fusses during the night, I give him his pacifier and he goes right back to sleep.


Posted at
I hear ya, my 14 week old is the same. I even started supplementing with formula (50/50) before bed just to make sure he was actually filling up. Sometimes it works, other times he's still up every couple of hours.🤷🏼‍♀️


Posted at
Are you feeding her every time she wakes up?