He cheated on me right before I give birth


Please any tips on how to deal how to stop crying all the time 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m 39 weeks and I’m only out of the hostipal with complications still not well 😓 but few days ago my boyfriend of three years cheated on me for the second time in this pregnancy 😩 it’s my first pregnancy. I’m really not coping with all the emotions and not being well I just feel a total mess 😕 as for the realstionship I really don’t know what is going to happen I dunno if I’m staying or leaving but at the moment we are broken up but still in contact and I’m planning on having him at the birth even tho it’s all so hard for me I’m a mess and I’m scared I’m not gonna be in the right mind to look after a new born 😭😭I’m so hurt and I dunno how to deal with these emotions and go through such a life changing thing on my own all at once when it was supposed to be the three of us. This is supposed to be the happiest time in a woman’s life I just really want to know how to still enjoy it 😐 I have any of you gone through something similar. How did things go for you and after ur baby was born how did u feel. Any tips on how to still enjoy the last days of my pregnancy anyone ?