OPK and BBT show that I ovulated on 7/31.... right? BFP AT ONLY 7dpo?!


I need help be I have been getting vvvfBFPs, since 7DPO, according to my chart. My chart and OPKs all point to a 7/31 ovulation date, and I started getting positives yesterday 8/7. I had peak LH surge starting from 7/28 until the 31st... which I had a peak early, and then a negative in the evening. From my chart, it shows a thermal shift starting 7/31.... so could I really show BFPs from 7dpo? Or do you think I ovulated at a different time? Just want to have my due date as accurate as can be....

Also, I just had a chemical pregnancy loss on 6/21... so my cycle is extra long. I had a progesterone draw on CD27, which was only .26.... so I didn’t ovulate then, for sure (6/18).

Am I right that I am BFP at 7dpo? If so, I know a crazy question... but would you think multiples, since so early and right after a chemical? I know... it is a crazy question... but just want to know thoughts! Thanks, ladies!!!

Ps - the lines are DEF pink.... my camera phone is terrible. I need a better focusing camera phone. And the WONDFO is so so much darker in person.