I’m so confused 😭


So my daughter is a year old. We had to use clomid to conceive her. We stopped breastfeeding a few weeks ago. I’ve been feeling really crampy and nauseous so I decided to take a hpt and it was negative so I just assumed I was getting my period back. A few days later I had the tiniest bit of spotting only one time going to the bathroom. Nothing since then. And I took another test that looked negative right away so I just assumed it was negative and didn’t look at the 5-10 min mark. When I saw it the next day there was definitely a line but by this point I assumed it was a pretty wicked evap line. But my curiosity got the best of me and I took a test yesterday on a 4 hour hold and then again today with FMU and on both I saw the faintest line within the time limit. But they aren’t FOR SURE POSITIVES. So I still feel really confused. I posted in faint line group and they all said itsjust shadows because I used blue dye. Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m getting a first response today so I’ll know for sure tomorrow I guess but I’m the meantime I’m really hopeful and excited and wondering what y’all think???



This mornings while still wet.

I know I’m probably just crazy 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️