Hyperemesis Gravidarum making a comeback

Rachelle • Boy mom 💙

So I’ve had HG with multiple pregnancies. This is my 5th pregnancy, but 3rd baby. Anyway, usually it lets up around 22 weeks and I’m able to stop taking Zofran around that point by slowly weening myself off. This time hasn’t been the case. I was able to go down to taking it twice a day rather than 3x a day, but I still needed it to function. My doctor (a new doctor, I used the same doctor for my first 2) doesn’t seem to understand that I still need the medication. She reluctantly refilled my prescription at my last appointment a few weeks ago. My next appointment is a week from today (I’m 32 weeks). I ran out a few days ago, and decided to see if my body could do without. I have Phenergan left over from the first trimester, and it helps but makes me extremely tired, even when I break it in half. I called my doctor and asked her if I could please have a refill because I wasn’t able to eat or drink without it coming back up. She said she doesn’t refill over the phone and I will have to wait until my next appointment. I’m so scared I won’t make it over this next week, and dehydration is NOT good. I tried seeing if I could be seen sooner and they’re booked up. I feel defeated. 😩