Is it animal neglect ?


So I’m writing this because I recently moved into a home with my in laws, brother in law (16), husband and our kids. They have a dog named Luna which they got for their son (my brother in law). She is this adorable black coated Maltese. She is a little over 1 years old and when we got this house we liked that there was a big backyard for her to run around in. So here’s the thing. Before we all moved in together they diapered her because she wasn’t potty trained. So out of all 3 of them none of them didn’t have the “time” to potty train her so they just put a diaper on her. Well before we moved in we explained that we would like the dog to be potty trained and they sorta agreed. It never happened and she pooped and peed everywhere ! And I couldn’t really help her learn since I was due to have my third in a few weeks and I had my other 2 crazy toddlers to keep up with also. So they pretty much made her stay outside and she sleeps in the garage at night. Well the backyard has those little prickly things that look like this...

They are all over her now 😭 so I sat outside for 30 or so minutes trying my hardest to get them out of her fur at the very least out of her face and belly. This all happened in April It is now August and they haven’t gotten her groomed so her hair is soooo matted her paws look like they have been bleeding cause her fur looks stained and then she has those prickles and I have spoke to them about the consequences being done to her because they let her get so matted and they say they will get her an appointment well they have said that since I brought up the prickles in April and yet no appointment ! So I spoke to my husband about Luna being in pain with matted hair and prickles all over her and he let me try and book a grooming appointment. So I explained to the petco groomers what’s her state and they said I would have to take her to the vet to get her groomed for being to severely matted for them to groom and to top it off her owner which is my brother in law has time to go out and be with friends go to parties go to the movies and go out to eat but he NEVER!!!! Goes outside to even say hi to Luna 😭 never plays with her doesn’t even know how she’s doing. That pisses me off because he wanted her and now because she’s not this super cute and small puppy he doesn’t want her?!? It kills me to see her like this all that hair and prickles and the weather outside is horrid. I would give anything to have my dog back who was killed by my neighbors and to see people not care for their dog hurts my heart so much 💔 they don’t even notice is. Please tell me I’m not crazy for thinking this is animal neglect and abuse. I tell my husband there’s more a dog needs than just food and water and be let out in the mornings. She needs love and affection and to learn😞 and if your wondering I went on the internet to find a close picture to what she looks like and this is what I believe she looks like the closest.


I went ahead and cut her hair with some trimming scissors I have. I did it the best I could and luckily did not cut her or hurt her. She did awesome ! She just laid there not moving just letting me do my thing. I bathed her and blew dry her hair and brushed her aswell. Here is what’s she looks like... I couldn’t get the best picture because she was dancing and jumping. I’m also going to go to the store to get her some treats and let her be inside the house today and try to train her. But everyone say hello to Luna girl 💕