My baby doesn’t seem to like me...


Okay, this may sound a bit dramatic or irrational but I’m in my feelings here and need some support. I live with my MIL and since she’s not working, my LO is used to seeing me and her.

However, between the two of us, I feel like he loves her more.

When he goes into a crying spell, he’s inconsolable with me but when she takes him, he’ll quiet down. I’ll be with him holding him or playing with him but the moment he sees her or hears her voice, he’s so alert and happy. When she plays with him, it’s like he lights up. Don’t get me wrong, he smiles and laughs with me but I find myself having to “work for it” while she’s like the baby whisperer and it’s instantaneous.

On a good day, I’m extremely grateful for her as she helps out by watching him if I need to do something. Plus she’s agreed to be with him when I go back to work in a few weeks.

But more frequently, I find myself feeling jealousy and sadness when he interacts with her more than me. As a 10 week old, he’s getting more sense to understand faces and people and I can’t help but feel like I’m the visitor or distant relation to my own son. ☹️

Any positive or cheerful thoughts would be appreciated...