Continuous dreams of relationship failing

I think I’m so scared my relationship is going to fail, yet I have no reason to believe that. My boyfriend is perfect and goes out of his way to reassure me and make me feel loved. I try to think positive thoughts so that I don’t have these dreams but I continuously have them. Last night I had this one:

So I had a dream that I had stayed at the house while my bf was at work. I cleaned the whole day and was anxiously waiting for him to get home, and he was late and finally showed up. I asked what took so long and he just kinda ignored me. He was sitting there and a text popped up from this girl I absolutely hate.. I found out he was actually at the bar and I didn’t have proof he was with her but I strongly suspected it. I asked him why he was texting her and he was like “I’m just texting her because she’s going to help my mom with her situation and I’m just staying amicable with her until this is sorted out.” I called bullshit and he automatically got defensive and tried to start a fight. Eventually he let me read them but he refused to let me hold his phone and he kept reading the texts before he’d let me see the screen. But when I saw his texts oh ho hooooo i was boiling

*friendly conversation*

then it lead to

Him: so.. you single?

Her: well I am now. We broke up. I can’t keep a bf 🤷🏻‍♀️ wbu??

Him: oh I have a gf

Her: yeah I have a boo boo for sex though

Him: oh damn that’s nice

Her: yeah it works out

Him: he sounds like a lucky guy

Y’all I read that shit and I was gone from his house in like .2 seconds I didn’t even read the rest there was like 50 more texts at least 😬 then I woke up with my face hot and arms tingling. It took hours of telling myself it was a dream and to relax and go back to sleep to actually fall asleep.

How can I stop these dreams? I always tell him when they happen and what happened in the dreams and he always reassures me that’s something that would never happen.